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It’s Destiny


It’s Destiny

By Heyley Wang

My English teacher asked us, “Why did you become a nurse? Why did you guys choose SRRSH?”


The reality is cruel. I didn't have any idea where to go when I finished my college entrance examination (Gaokao). However, my uncle made the decision for me in 2004 when he directed me to nursing. At that time it was easy to find a job with a Bachelor’s Degree in Nursing. Without hesitation I followed his advice, thinking that during my time at university I would also find a wonderful man to love me. Unfortunately, I didn't realize that the nursing profession is full of girls, and I would have to work the night shifts year after year.


At that time, I imagined my ideal university full of many leafy trees, and that it would be a good place for lovers. My dream broke, though, when I arrived at Wenzhou Medical University.  It was a brand new school in Wenzhou with plants so bare that I could count the number of leaves on the trees! Of course, romantic love didn't happen to me either, but I found a group of good, lifelong friends. We still keep in touch even eight years after leaving school, and we gave each other support as one by one most of us have become mothers now.


Back to the topic of why I chose to join the staff at SRRSH. I studied at another hospital when I was a student nurse. I learned a lot there from most of my clinical teachers. One teacher, however, left me a very bad impression. She was very emotional. I could never talk with her because she was often blue. Her instruction even left me with confusion about my work. I swore I would never to be a teacher like her! About that time, I received an interview notice from Sir Run Run Shaw Hospital. The interviewer was really kind and patient. “That's it!” I said in my heart. It was as if I recognized that SRRSH was the place I was destined to be.”

Once hired, I volunteered to be an ICU nurse. More than eight years have passed since I joined the SRRSH family, and I have never regretted my decision to come here.  Sometimes I wonder about my schedule, though, as with increase in age, I need much more time to recover after the night shift. Most of my classmates no longer have to work night shifts.


How to describe my feelings? It's so complicated. I am a little bit disappointed with myself, and sometimes I think I really have bad luck at work. However, as a team leader I can confidently solve all kinds of difficulties in the ICU. But most of all, I believe that there is no one best individual, only a better team. Thanks, my awesome team. We were destined to be together.
