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Medical Professionals
Zhu Jiang



Biographical Sketch

Zhu Jiang, M.D. & Ph.D., Deputy Director and Senior Attending of Ultrasound, specializes in:

·             The ultrasonography of thyroid, breast, abdomen, vessel, obstetrics and gynecology

·             Transretal Prostate Ultrasound diagnosis and biopsy under ultrasound guide

·             Preoperative staging of rectal carcinoma with radial endorectal ultrasound

·             Ultrasound elastography

·             Contrast-enhanced ultrasonography

·             3D Ultrasound in prenatal fetuses

·             Ultrasound-guided biops

·             Tumor treated with RFA (Radiofrequency Ablation)

·             Tumor and cyst therapy with Lauromacrogol

·             Hysterosalpingo-Contrast Sonography

·             Acustic cavitation bioeffect and drug target release

Treatment Services

·             Ultrasound-guided core needle biopsy

·             Ultrasound-guided fine-needle aspiration

·             Ultrasound-guided tumor treated with RFA (radiofrequency ablation)

·             Ultrasound-guided cyst therapy with Lauromacrogol

·             Ultrasound-guided abscess therapy

·             Ultrasound-guided catheter drainage

·             Ultrasound-guided hysterosalpingo-contrast sonography

Specialty Interests

Specializes in ultrasonography diagnosis of rare diseases: thyroid, breast, prostate, gynecological diseases, urinary system, obstetric 3-D and interventional ultrasound.


·             Zhejiang province Institute of Medical Society Ultrasound Branch; Committee member

·             Zhejiang province Institute of Medical Society Ultrasound Interventional Ultrasound Branch; Committee member

·             Zhejiang province Institute of Mathematics, Physics and Medicine Society  member

·             Zhejiang province Institute of mathematics, physics, Medicine Society

·             Mathematical Medicine Platform vice president

·             Zhejiang province Institute of Mathematics, Physics, Medicine Society, precision interventional ultrasound and intelligence ultrasound diagnostic Branch Committee StandingCommittee Member

·             Zhejiang procince Ultrasonic Engineering Society