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Medical Professionals
Tang Fugang



Biographical Sketch

Tang Fugang, M.D., Deputy Chief Physician and Senior Attending, Department of Ultrasound, Sir Run Run Shaw Hospital.

Dr. Tang Fugang specializes in gastrointestinal motility by ultrasound and the application of intraluminal ultrasound in the diagnosis and staging of early bladder tumors. He has also accumulated rich clinical experience in this field.

Treatment Services

Ultrasonic diagnosis of abdominal organ diseases: Liver, Gallbladder, Pancreas, and Kidney

Ultrasonic diagnosis of superficial organ diseases: Thyroid, Breast, and Carotid artery

Gastrointestinal motility by ultrasound

Specialty Interests

Ultrasonic diagnosis of superficial organ diseases: Thyroid, Breast, and Carotid artery

Gastrointestinal motility by ultrasound


Member of the Ultrasound Branch, Zhejiang Medical Association